Piano by Faith
Piano by Faith
Providing Private Piano Lessons for Children
Guest Book

Cindy Langford said on Aug 23, 2015 8:12 AM
dear Monique, When I heard you at the benefit last Spring at Union Grove Baptist Church-you were my favorite-a few others were good but you were unique! We could not wait to see you tonight-I had told my husband about you and he really liked what you did also. He was the pastor of the church, when you were last there-he had to work. The other group was good but a lot of those all sound alike-you were distinct-thank you for sharing with us! I could relate to the songs and loved the different arrangement of His Eye Is on the Sparrow and the My God is Real so reminded me of growing up and hearing that song in church but I loved the heart and soul you put into it-Also love My Redeemer Lives-Do you have any CD's of you playing these and more? I got the cards from you and will contact my friend at the church that we were at before we came to Union Grove-I think you need to be the featured guest-again thank you for your transparency about losing your father and I know he would be proud of you. I used to work at a small recording studio and heard a lot of people and love your work.
Tonya Hatten said on Aug 25, 2012 8:23 PM
Faith, Love the updates with the music. Great Job! Can't wait to see more.
Tonya Hatten said on Jun 26, 2012 0:04 AM
Ms. Faith - Your 1st Piano Recital was GREAT! You done an EXCEPTIONAL job working with the kids; encouraging and motivating them to play the piano. Much, much success to you as you continue to minister to our children through music. We Love You!
Jenea Hammett said on May 16, 2012 7:12 PM
Hooray! I finally made it to your website which is absolutely magical if I do say. Thank you for who you are and what you do for the children. It is so refreshing to know that there are still altruistic and beautiful people in this world. Keep up the great work and continue striving for excellence!
Holly (Gates) Robertson said on Feb 17, 2012 0:18 AM
Hey Faith, I love your website! So glad you are using your talents for God! I will always cherish the memories we had as little girls at Fairhaven Family camp =) Miss you!
Sharon McCoy said on Dec 11, 2011 9:59 AM
What an amazing site! I am so proud of you and the professional service that you provide the next generation.
Isaiah Carthens said on Dec 8, 2011 8:46 AM
I love this site. The music sounds are wonderful-- I pray to God that you are successful teaching children to love the piano.
Tonya Hatten said on Jun 16, 2011 0:55 AM
Ms. Faith, Tyler is enjoying Piano lessons. Thank You!
Annitra said on Jun 6, 2011 2:47 AM
God Bless you Faith! Thank you for allowing God to use you.
Tonya Hatten said on May 9, 2011 8:51 PM
Ms. Faith, Tyler really enjoyed his first piano lesson. Thank You!
Tonya Hatten said on Apr 20, 2011 6:08 AM
Great Website Faith! Can't wait for Tyler to start piano lessons. God bless you for having the passion and the patience. Good Luck!
Chrystal Morgan said on Mar 29, 2011 9:31 AM
Beautiful website Faith! We are very excited for Ashley to begin her piano lessons with you. I am sure she will love you just as much as our Tanner-man does!
Mary (Lisa) Wilson said on Mar 22, 2011 11:36 PM
Hello Faith! This is a beautiful website! I pray the Lord will give you much success in this venture and that you and your students will be inspired and blessed by one another. Love you.
Charmaine Pelt said on Mar 11, 2011 11:14 AM
This is wonderful, Faith. I love you!
Jerub Methum said on Mar 10, 2011 8:51 PM
Hey, Long time no talk to. Just checking your website out looks great!
Anastacia Rivera said on Mar 10, 2011 3:20 PM
Awesome! What a beautiful site! Good luck I wish you the best! What a wonderful way to share God's testimony!
Leanne Webb said on Mar 10, 2011 1:58 PM
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